Holla Mexico!
/Stephen was rushing me along all morning and I turn around in this top... he didn't find it very amusing.
thanks Amanda for letting me borrow your hat!
Our friends that we hung out with the whole time! They are from the netherlands!
Our balcony over looked the adult swim up pool
you can shop this look on my "shop my insta page"
So a couple of months ago me and the hubby decided we wanted to take a trip and just get away. For those that don't know Stephen works 6 out of 7 days a week so we rarely get to spend a lot of time together. The only way to really get time together is vaycay. So we ended up deciding on Riviera Maya. Stephen described this as the newer side of Cancun. I would describe it as the jungle side of Cancun. We drove down early that Wednesday to have dinner with our friends in Dallas and to fly out early the next day. If anyone is curious as to why I was rocking eye glasses in my airport pic you should check out my eyelash extension post on my beauty page (It was a mess lol). So we flew out Thursday around noon and thank goodness for Stephen because I suck at traveling and he basically takes over which I love. We arrived in mexico and were escorted to our resort which took forever because our resort was the last on the strip.
So we arrive at Sandos Playacar and it was so pretty we were greeted with champagne which is totally the way to my heart! This is where the great times haulted. They explained that since we upgraded to adults only our room was almost a mile walk to the beach. Wouldn't you think if you're upgrading you would be closer to the beach? Anyways they had shuttles running every 5-10 min (they lied it was more like 15min.. I can walk faster than that.) So we got to our room changed and headed to dinner at the steak house. I would love to know why they make you wait outside when there is plenty of room inside to make a seating area. By the time we are seated we are so hot and sweating. It was beyond humid at night, probably because our hotel was in the middle of the jungle. The food was good service was terrible!
Moving on to the next day we decided to explore the resort which was so huge and fyi the walk to the beach was not fun! Also they had cats EVERYWHERE!!! I am not kidding they had a petting area for the cats. I just feel like that could be a huge issue for those with allergies since they let them just roam everywhere. The beach was very pretty however the chairs were pretty far from the water (not sure why). Since we were adults only we had our own section of chairs where they would bring you drinks. (It was faster to go to the bar).
So after that we decided it was probably best for us to just stay at the adults only pool with the swim up bar. I ended up volunteering for this pineapple decorating contest (I wanted it for the gram okay don't judge me). So me and this 70yr old man had to have a dance off needless to say I lost lol (he had moves) Still got my pineapple though.
Little did we know it was European vacation month and we met probably 5 Americans the whole time we were there. We did me 2 different couples from the Netherlands and ended up hanging out with them the whole time. Its crazy how you can meet people on vacation and its like you are already best friends. We were so glad we ended up meeting them because they made our stay here so much better. I also learned while we were here that I am not so bad at pool volleyball! Who would have know!
So our last day in Mexico it rained all day due to hurricane Harvey. I was not to thrilled about this but what can ya do? We made the best of it and went to dinner with all of the friends we had made while we were there. My husband is a social butterfly if it were left up to me we wouldn't of made any friends lol. After dinner the rain had stopped so we decided to treck down to the beach one last time. It was seriously my favorite part of the whole trip. Just getting to stand there and watch the waves with Stephen was kind of magical until we felt sprinkles... we started making our way back and at this point it wasn't raining to hard but stephen had to have his burritos. We step back outside and it was like a monsoon. I had on pretty pricey sandals, a dry clean only romper, and my LV... so to say I was not thrilled to walk a mile back in a down pour is putting it nicely. By the time we got back to the hotel we were beyond soaked and stephens burritos were drenched (you would of thought that would have stopped him from eating them... it didn't)
Fast forward to the next day coming back was a freaking nightmare!! Our flight was delayed thanks to the storm, my mouth was hurting thanks to my wisdom teeth coming in, overall we were just ready to be back home. By the time we landed in Dallas they had to land on the tarmac because they had no place to put us. So my extremely claustrophobic self got stuck in a small tube in 100 dallas heat (I was not thrilled). After that I got chosen to go through customs (perfect let's just heighten my already terrible anxiety).
Over all it was a fun trip but I probably won't be returning to Mexico anytime in the near future! Also from what I've heard it's not really safe to go there anyways so problem solved!