Surprise!!! We're Pregnant!


I wanted to update my blog recently because well we’re expecting! Due September 27, 2020!! I absolutely love fashion and still want this blog to be about that but with times a changing well so should a little update on this blog. Having a baby can be soo overwhelming and I am so thankful to have my sister and one of my best friends pregnant at the same time as me! Because well I basically know nothing about babies or what to expect. So why not document the journey and learn together! I want to start sharing advice, baby registry recommendations, bump dates, cute maternity clothes, and much more with you guys during this time. So to start this shin dig off I wanted to share how we found out, how I’ve been feeling, etc!!

We found out when I was a little over 6 weeks pregnant mainly because I was so so sick. We had just had a super bowl party that past Sunday and at first I just assumed I was suffering through the worst hangover of my life lol. I concluded that “oh i’m getting older this is hitting me much harder” but by Wednesday I was almost sure I either had the flu or I was pregnant. So I went and got a test and sure enough yup not hungover just a FREAKING BABY!! Ahh I was so nervous mainly because well it wasn’t planned and I am a planner! I know that’s laughable when it comes to having a baby but still!! Also because I am a wedding photographer ( That is my main job and biggest source of income) and after calculating dates I realized well that means the baby will be due during the busiest season of photography and I had weddings already booked. Honestly I am so so thankful that the photography community here in Oklahoma is so amazing! I reached out to several photogs that are moms to see how they handled things and what to do. I got some of the best advice/encouragement and honestly it made me feel so much better. I know that’s probably not a normal reaction to finding out you’re pregnant and I know so many women that are unable to conceive or are waiting for the day they see two lines and my heart breaks for those women! So for me to say I wasn’t just over the moon originally is hard to admit. Even harder to put in a blog for the world to read and judge me for but I know I am not the only one who has felt this way, I also don’t hear it enough! So for me I want to be honest with you guys!! I don’t think pregnancy is sunshine and roses all of the time and I hate that we as women are made to feel less than or selfish if we’re just not overly excited to be moms. I actually googled it to find out if this was a normal response or if I was nuts lol. Turns out there tons of soon to be moms feeling this exact way and that it’s perfectly normal. That was such a relief to hear that I wasn’t alone and that this is a normal response. It also didn't help that I had the worst morning sickness ever ( morning sickness ha) this lasted all day everyday… I was waking up in the middle of the night to throw up! I tried ginger suckers, pregnancy pops, EVERYTHING!! The only thing that helped was eating super bland small snacks through out the day and also just time. I started to feel a tad bit better around 11 weeks and now at 16 its completely gone! Thank goodness, because I know several moms to be that it never went away.

Now at 16 weeks I can honestly say I am getting excited and have come to terms with the fact that I’m having a baby! We are so stoked and I have the best support system! My husband has been amazing and I want to share his reaction when I told him we were pregnant because he’s been wanting a baby much much longer than I have and he’s been so sweet and helpful throughout this process. He’s also really awesome at making me feel good about myself which if you’ve been pregnant you know that’s hard! With your body changing so much its hard to feel cute most days. Especially when you’re in the middle of a pandemic and haven’t seen a beauty salon in a month! I’ve also had friends and family that check in with me daily asking how I am feeling, how the baby is doing etc! When you are stuck inside and not able to leave the house due to a virus that honestly is beyond comforting. I am just praying this ends soon so I can enjoy the rest of my pregnancy and get to have a gender reveal. shower, people in the room and hospital!!

Speaking of gender reveal our anatomy scan is at 19 weeks on May 7th and I can’t wait to find out what we’re having! I am almost convinced at this point that its a girl but we will see!! I’ve also started buying baby stuff for the nursery which has been so much fun. A little overwhelming because it seems like babies need so so much stuff!! and of course I tend to like the most expensive stuff out there ( lets call it a curse lol). But I do plan to share my registry so you can see the stuff I’ve been told by others to get and because I personally like seeing other moms registries for new ideas lol.

Any who thanks for those that came to read and be expecting more content like this!
