Honest Jaclyn Hill pallet review


If you are not a huge YouTube makeup guru watcher well then you probably don't understand the excitement behind this pallet. Jaclyn has been talking about this pallet and the release of it for about two years now, yea TWO YEARS! So when she finally revealed when it would be launching it sent me and all of her 4.2 million subscribers into a frenzy. I seriously squealed and then called my sister who is also a huge makeup lover and we freaked out together. I mean you have to be obsessed with makeup to really understand why I got so excited and she's someone who gets it and me. So when 10 am on June 1st hit you better believe I was on Morphebrushes.com refreshing like a mad women.  I was also on the phone with my sister making sure my computer wasn't broken because it was like 10:05 and I didn't see the pallet anywhere. When it did finally launch I got put in line and my browser just kept loading and loading until finally I was able to put in my info. I was smart and logged in already and they had my info saved from my last purchase, so it didn't take long until I finally got that beautiful notification that my order was accepted!!  

About a week later I finally received my pallet to which my husband says "did you really need another makeup pallet" clearly he doesn't get it and when I tried to explain he looked at me like I was crazy. So I said "did you really need another pair of Nike's" this is where I would have dropped the mic and walked off. I opened her up and there she was in all of her beauty. So fast forward I have been using it for a couple weeks now to really get the feel of it. 

My thoughts  

I think the range of colors on this pallet is perfect for someone who doesn't want to go buy a ton of pallets or for someone on a budget. When watching Jaclyn's swatches she said that the quality of these shadows was a lot better than normal Morphe pallets. I don't know if I believe that, I would say the quality is very similar to the 35R pallet that they had just previously released. If you are comparing the quality to Anastasia Beverly Hills modern renascence pallet to Jaclyn's pallet you can tell the quality is not the same. Pigmentation is going to be similar but quality of the shadow as in kick back and creaminess of the shadows. I definitely prefer my modern renascence pallet, however, you get a lot more shades with the Jaclyn pallet. The only shade that I feel like they really needed was a bone white shade or a matte brow highlight. I think if they had that then this pallet would be perfect. After saying all of that the pallet is only $38 and you get 35 shades! If you use Jaclyn code jackattack then you get some $ off! So win win! I am not sure the exact date of the restock but I know there will be one so stay tuned and follow @morphebrushes @jaclynhill for updates! I will also link Jaclyn video of her swatching the entire pallet and some of my other fav youtubers reviewing the pallet and doing different looks with it. 

Jaclyn's swatches

Jaclyn's demo

Tati's review

Kathleen Lights

James Charles

Manny MUA